Pathway Studio software provides a desktop graphical user interface with capability to dynamically create and draw protein interaction networks and pathways using your data based upon information from the literature. All interactions shown by Pathway Studio are linked to their literature citations to show information origins and validity, showing you your data in the context of knowledge from the literature.
Pathway Studio software has three main components, the Studio itself containing analytics, programs and graphical user interface, the ResNet Databases of pathways, pathway components, protein-protein interactions, proteins and their cellular processes, small molecules, diseases and treatments, and, MedScan the foundational information extraction technology.
Pathway Studio is available as Desktop and Enterprise editions.
What can Pathway Studio do for your research?
Ariadne pathways analysis software, called Pathway Studio starting in 2006, has been an important research tool since 2002, finding application in many research areas. A representative list of publications has been compiled to show the areas of research to which the software is applied:
- Analysis of proteomics data
- Biomarkers
- Disease mechanisms
- Drug and target discovery
- Human genetics
- Microarray gene expression data
- Model organisms
- Pathway analysis
- Text mining
- Toxicology and toxicogenomics
Pathway Studio has specific applications as a research tool in the analysis of data generated using the following methodologies:
Gene expression analysis
- Determine differential gene expression
- Map expression data on to protein relationship networks and pathways
- Interpret expression data through "guilt by association" methodologies
- Find common regulators
- Map signaling processes
Protein-protein interactions analysis
- High throughput protein and peptide assays data
- Protein arrays
- Interactions analysis
Pathways analysis
- Find direct interactions
- Find shortest paths
- Group according to function
- Find shortest pathway between selected entities
- Primary, secondary, tertiary relationships
- Canonical pathways
- Encyclopedia of protein relationships
Text mining and Information harvesting
- MedScan Natural Language Processing technology
- Computational and automated literature extraction
- Point MedScan to all your online journal subscriptions
- Assign MedScan to specific text mining tasks
Benefits of Pathway Studio Software
- Increase the depth of analysis of high-throughput data generation experiments: microarray gene expression; proteomics; metabolomics
- Enables data sharing in a common analysis environment
- Simplifies keeping up-to-date with the literature and brings this knowledge into an analysis environment
- Provides for strong testable hypothesis generation
- Enables visualization of gene expression values and status in the context of protein interaction networks and pathways
Learn More about Pathway Studio
What's new in Pathway Studio Version 6